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Office Space Available

Office Space for Rent – Medina

New Construction

1390 and 2344 square foot spaces available

  • Shared conference room
  • Access to all common areas including multiple sets of bathrooms and a Wellness Room
  • 24/7 access to building (codes/keys required during off-hours)
  • Free on-site parking
  • Includes all expenses (e.g. electric, gas, water, and taxes)
  • Basic cleaning and janitorial services in common areas

Date available: Spring 2024

Lease term: 3 – 5 Years

Multi-tenant office building in the heart of a nature area complete with eagles’ nest. This property has convenient access to Hwy 55, multiple office space options and wonderful tenants.

Contact: Todd Leyse


Snowy Owl Multipurpose Room for Rent

Our new,  modern, urban-industrial building is designed with high-end finishes and boasts beautiful scenic views of a bald eagle nest, wetlands, and a manicured pond with a fountain.  The Snowy Owl Multipurpose Room is perfect for networking events, and employee meetings; and features state-of-the-art technology to conduct training, and strategic planning or accommodate a personal event such as a bridal shower or graduation party.


Interest Form:

Eagle Cam

Preserving The Eagle Nest

A majestic bald eagle soaring against a clear blue sky has long been a common sight along Hwy 55 just west of Willow Drive. With new construction underway, it is not surprising that many are concerned about the fate of the bald eagles’ nest and the tree that is home to the eagles.

Rest assured, not only is every precaution being taken to preserve the eagle’s nest but enhanced viewing is also planned.

Adam’s Pest Control is building its new corporate headquarters on the site. Adam’s has a long history of conservation and protecting the environment — from being the first in the nation to be certified “green” by the National Pest Management Association to being the first company in Medina to have a honey bee hive, now two.

Current plans at the new corporate site include an eagle webcam and a parking area to safely view the nest.

We consulted with the experts at U.S. Fish and Wildlife (after all, we know pests, not eagles)! They told us the best practice is to begin construction after the young eagles are mature and have left the nest for the season, which is about September 1. That’s why we timed our construction to start after that. As long as construction is continuous, the eagles will use the same nest — which they have! Given the highway noise and traffic, we think the eagles have become used to us being around.

So, there is every reason to believe that we all will be enjoying the sight of soaring eagles for years to come.

Image of Eagle on Adam’s Medina Property

Adam’s Neighbors Stopping by for a Visit