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Bats Negative Impact On Businesses

Bats, you either love them or you hate them. The truth about bats is that out in nature they are a beneficial species, they help to control populations of nuisance and dangerous insects including those pesky biting mosquitoes and dangerous stinging insects! But, bats can also become a huge nuisance and threat to people, especially when they decide to make their home inside of a business or commercial facility; bats spread disease, contaminate properties with urine and feces, and can scare people away just by their mere presence!

The most common species of bats found in our area are the big brown bat and little brown bat, and as you probably have already guessed the most obvious difference between the two species is their size. Big brown bats are slightly larger, they have a body length of about 4 inches and a wingspan of 12-14 inches, while the little brown bat grow to about 3 inches in length and has a wingspan of 8-11 inches. The color of their fur also slightly differs. Big brown bats have brown fur on their backs, and lighter colored fur on their underbelly; little brown bats are more varied in color and can have dark-brown, golden-brown, reddish, copper-colored or olive-brown fur. Little brown bats also have a lighter colored underbelly. Both species have black colored wings that are void of fur, small rounded ears, and a broad nose.

No matter which species has decided to invade your business, they have the potential to cause serious problems, but breathe a sigh of relief to know that the bats in our area do not feed on human blood! To eliminate bats, wildlife professionals will find and seal off all of their entry points, but one. Over the single opening, they install a one-way device which allows the bats to leave, but not return. After a period of time, generally about two weeks, the final entrance point is sealed; leaving you with a bat free property!

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