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Springtail Prevention Tips

This time of the year is a great time to start thinking about spring cleaning. Across the country windows will be washed, basements will be cleaned out, every nook and cranny in every cupboard and closet in the house will get a full clean out to start the season with either a fresh new look; or, at the very least, it will start with a whole lot less clutter. During the process, we might run into more than just old tennis shoes and a baseball glove that hasn’t seen daylight in 15 years. In these forgotten areas of your home, several different species of pests might have set up shop. The springtail, for instance, has surprised many a homeowner as dozens of these tiny pests suddenly jump up at them once they have been disturbed.

The springtail is a tiny insect that is often called a snow flea because of its ability to withstand cooler temperatures and because of its ability to jump much like a flea. These wingless creatures only grow up to 1/8th inch or so in length and are commonly light brown to dark brown. They are found in wet areas like under sinks, in basement areas, around pools, or near any other damp and dark area they can find such as under rocks and dead logs. They easily can live inside or out.

The good news is that springtails are not dangerous to humans or pets. They do not bite or transmit any disease to your family. They also do not cause damage to your property or contaminate stored foods. However, the springtail is known for moving into homes when it is too dry or too hot for them outside. Just like other living creatures, they need moisture to survive and will quickly invade any damp areas of your home. Though they do not cause damage, they reproduce in these conditions very rapidly, and the sheer number of them can quickly overwhelm a small area causing considerable distress. When one spot gets too crowded, the springtail population will spread to other areas of your home rapidly becoming an infestation.

You can do your part to try to prevent these pests from moving in. Taking time to make sure that any pipes or dripping faucets are repaired and making sure that your home is well ventilated will help eliminate damp areas in the house. The basement can tend to be quite damp, so keep any paper or cardboard off the floor. Outside, make sure that any compost or debris is not too close to the house and keep the lawn and bushes well-trimmed and away from the exterior walls.

Adam’s Pest Control is only a phone call away should your home become a haven for springtails. Our licensed team of technicians will go through your home and spot treat the areas where springtails are hiding and will treat the perimeter of your house to help keep them out. With Adam’s Pest Control, you can be sure that all products used in your home are environmentally safe and are effective at protecting your home and your family. Don’t let springtails or other pests ruin your springtime activities. Give us a call today.

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