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Meet The Adam's Team

Mike R.

Assistant Field Training/Quality Assurance Manager


Ext: #808

Where did you grow up?

Born in France while dad was in the Air Force, lived in Colorado, Texas, and California, but mostly Colorado.

Where did you attend high school?

Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado

What did you do before Adam’s?

Worked as an Operations Manager for a trucking company for 15 years, then I was at Orkin for 7 before coming here.

Tell us about your best accomplishment in life

I married up, my wife and family are top notch.

Tell us about your most embarrassing moment

I usually embarrass myself daily, hard to pick just one.

Tell us about how you enjoy your free-time/hobbies

Elder in my church, I love the Lord and daily spend time with Him.

Tell us about any hidden talents you have

They are hidden from me as well.

List your favorite sport or sports team

Denver Broncos, I like all Minnesota teams as well.

List your favorite food/restaurant

I love all kinds of food, Big Bowl is a favorite, PF Chang’s, and Cheesecake Factory (for obvious reasons).

Tell us about your family and/or pets

My wife, Traci and I have been married 32 years, we met at Colorado State University where we both graduated. We have 4 girls
(Michelle, Megan, Katy, and Korie) and one son (Jesse). We also have 4 grandbabies; Joel, Trin, Lucy and Mikko with another on the way, due in August of 2017!

Why pest control?

My career in trucking came to an abrupt halt when the company I worked for went bankrupt. I needed something quick, to keep our heads above water, and pest control became that position. With time, I came to enjoy all aspects of it and after a time it just stuck!

If you could try anything and not fail (and money was no object) what dream would you attempt?

Love the travel side of faith, walking in the footsteps of Christ and seeing where it all happens. Would love to be good enough to write about it, truthfully, so that others would be overwhelmed with what has been accomplished on our behalf.

What do you hope to do when you are retired, and where would you like to be located?

Here or Colorado, visit with the grandkids and travel the world with my wife.

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