Todd Leyse
President and Chief Executive Officer
Where did you grow up?
Grew up in Golden Valley and Plymouth.
Where did you attend high school?
Armstrong High School
Tell us about your best accomplishment in life
Raising three great kids.
Tell us about how you enjoy your free-time/hobbies
I love playing sports, watching sports, and going to professional games.
What would people be surprised to know about you?
I played two years of Division II basketball at the University of Minnesota Duluth, making it to the NAIA Tournament both years.
Tell us about any hidden talents you have
I am in my 50’s, and I can still slam dunk a basketball. Being 6’ 7” helps, but I can still jump!
Why pest control?
Like most people, I never planned on being in pest control even though Adam’s was started when I was 6. I was in Information Technology Management when my dad’s partner passed away and he needed me, so I gave it a try. It turns out I’ve loved working with bugs a lot more than I thought I would. The customers have been appreciative and my coworkers make up a great team we call the Adam’s Family. In my almost 20 years, there have been a number of challenges along the way that I enjoy when we can rise to the occasion. The company has grown 5x and that has presented many growth opportunities, which I take great pride in… seeing others succeed and move up.
What do you hope to do when you are retired, and where would you like to be located?
I’d love to build cedar chests or some form of heirloom furniture for the kids and one day grandchildren that will survive generations. But I probably won’t, because I’ll probably keep working too, seeing as how I enjoy it so much.