Common Blue Violet

The Common Blue Violet (Viola sororia) is an annual or short-lived perennial that grows up to 6” wide and 4” high. The flowers are a bit taller than the leaves with each leaf up to 3” long and 3” wide.
Common Blue Violet Foliage:
Leaves are generally about 2” long and wide, heart-shaped, and vary in color from yellowish green to dark green, depending on growing conditions.
Common Blue Violet Flowers:
The flowers of the Common Blue Violet bloom in the spring and then fade during the heat of the summer. The flower petals are usually ¾” – 1” wide and slightly irregular in shape. The unscented blooms have five petals, are typically blue or purplish blue, however, it is a variable species and may have, for example, white blossoms with purple centers.
Common Blue Violet Roots:
The Common Blue Violet is basal cluster only. The root has long stalks that rise to form a rosette.
Treatment for Common Blue Violet:
The Common Blue Violet is a persistent perennial and often difficult to control. Herbicides should be applied when actively growing in early spring or late summer/early fall.
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