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American Cockroach

We’ll get rid of
whatever’s bugging you.

Seeing just one American Cockroach means you already have an infestation. Time to call Adam’s.

In Minnesota and other northern states, American cockroaches are more commonly found in commercial buildings, food processing facilities, and food storage areas than in single family homes. American cockroaches are often found in city sewer systems and on the ground floor or the garage level of a building, mainly around pipes and drains.

Despite its name, the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) is not native to North America. American cockroaches were most likely introduced via ships from Africa in the early 1600s.
American cockroaches are filthy pests, and even a small infestation can pose a severe health threat. They pick up germs on the spines of their legs and body as they crawl through sewage and other unclean material, and then transfer the germs onto food or cooking surfaces. The saliva, urine and fecal droppings from American cockroaches contain allergen proteins that are known to cause allergic reactions and asthma attacks, especially in children.

Adam’s Gets Rid of American Cockroaches Fast!

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American Cockroach Treatment Options

One-time Roach Control

Adam’s licensed, Pest Management Professional (PMP) will use the most effective treatment protocol to exterminate roaches in your home, including the use of baits, insect growth regulators, and when needed, an EPA-approved residual insecticide applied directly into cracks and crevices where the roaches harbor. Your Adam’s PMP will also conduct a thorough inspection to locate the source of the roach infestation. Your assistance is necessary to eliminate roaches. Adam’s will provide instructions to prepare for the treatment that includes cleaning and sanitation to eliminate harborage and food sources. Adams one-time roach service is warranted for 3 months.

Premier Home Pest Prevention

Adam’s best value for prevention and control of common household pests, including cockroaches! Adam’s Premier Home Pest Prevention service provides year-round pest prevention of pests with a minimum of four visits throughout the year. Service visits include inspection and monitoring. And should a pest problem ever occur between scheduled visits, the plan includes additional treatments at no additional charge. This program includes common household pests like spiders, centipedes, sow bugs, and roaches; and seasonal pests like wasps, multicolored Asian lady beetles, ants, and mice.

More About American Cockroaches


  • American cockroaches can be seen scurrying into dark places or under appliances at night.
  • You may also find roach droppings or egg capsules in out-of-the-way areas.
  • American cockroach droppings are small, have ridges on the sides, and have blunt ends. (By contrast, mouse droppings have pointed ends.)
  • American cockroaches and cockroaches in general, have a foul scent that may be detectable near their hiding places.


  • Adult American cockroaches are 1 ½” – 1 ¾” in length.
  • They are reddish brown with a pale band in the edges of the pronotum (the upper surface of the prothorax, the first segment of the thorax).
  • American cockroaches have sharp-pointed sensory appendages called cerci (singular cercus).
  • American cockroaches have chewing mouthparts
  • Males and females are fully winged, and the wings of the male American cockroach extend beyond the tip of its abdomen.
  • Unlike many other cockroach species, the American cockroach adults can fly (poor to moderate flier), and are also attracted to light.
  • American cockroach nymphs are wingless.
  • Early nymphal instars are uniformly grayish brown dorsally, paler ventrally, and shiny. The cerci (a pair of dorsal appendages at the posterior end of the abdomen) are slender, and distinctly tapered from the base with length about 5 times the width
  • Later instars are reddish brown with lateral and posterior margins of the thorax and lateral areas (sides) of abdominal segments somewhat darker. The cerci are about the same as in the early instars. The widest segments are 2.5 times as wide as long. The antennae are uniformly brown.
  • After molting, American cockroach nymphs are white and then become uniformly reddish-brown.
  • American cockroaches’ egg capsules (oothecae) are 3/8” in length and purse shaped.
  • The ootheca is brown when deposited and turns black in a day or two.


  • Inspect thoroughly to locate the source of the infestation, especially in wall voids, sewer areas, or any other moist, warm, and dark places.
  • An inspection by a trained, licensed Adam’s professional will also determine the best treatment method to exterminate cockroaches in your home.


  • Yes, because American cockroaches are attracted to feces, travel via sewers, and contact unclean surfaces, they are capable of carrying and transmitting a variety of pathogenic agents that contaminate food products and may cause disease in humans.
  • Disease-causing organisms are carried on the legs and bodies of cockroaches, and are deposited on food supplies, food preparation surfaces, dishes, utensils, and other surfaces as the cockroaches forage for food. Additionally, cockroaches defecate wherever they live and sleep.
  • Different forms of gastroenteritis (food poisoning, dysentery, diarrhea, etc.) appear to be the principal diseases transmitted by cockroaches.
  • Moreover, cockroaches are generally included among common sources of allergic reactions. Recently, it has been documented that from 23% – 60% of asthmatic patients, especially children, are sensitive to cockroach allergens found in roach feces, saliva, egg cases, and cast skins.
  • Like other pests, American cockroaches by their nature and relatively large size are unpleasant to most people and can inspire “entomophobia” (a fear of insects or other arthropods) and cause negative consequences and possibly a loss of business in commercial sectors.


  • American cockroaches may enter a house or building through sewers, seeking warmer temperatures, food, water, or shelter.
  • American cockroaches have flexible and elastic bodies that enable them to squeeze through tiny entry points.
  • Generally, American cockroaches find their way into a structure via: sewer systems, trees and shrubs touching the building, and under doors (especially if the weather stripping is damaged or missing), through gaps around utility pipes, air ducts, or other openings in the foundation.
  • American cockroaches prefer very warm, dark, moist areas; still, they can infest dry areas if they have access to water, such as a leaky pipe or faucet.


  • American cockroaches are omnivorous, meaning they will eat anything.
  • Outdoors, American cockroaches eat organic materials, bark, leaves, plant materials, tiny wood particles, fungi, and algae. They also eat small bugs.
  • Indoors, American cockroaches eat what you and your pets would eat including crumbs, leftovers, and spilled food.
  • If food sources are scarce, America cockroaches may survive on hair, flakes of dried skin, wool clothes, sugar, cheese, beer, bread, bakery products, oil, lemons, soap, fish, dead animals, leather, paper, ink, manuscripts, starch in book bindings, glue, other cockroaches (dead or alive), or their own feces, shed skins, and egg-capsules.
  • American cockroaches have a cooperative relationship, called “symbiotic” with bacteria that allows them to digest cellulose. The bacteria manufacture all the vitamins and amino acids the roaches need to live. Interestingly, American cockroach mothers pass down these bacteria to new generations of cockroaches.
  • When food and water sources are rare, the adults can survive two or three months without food, but only about a month without water.
  • American cockroaches are cautious and are usually active at night, but when they are hungry, they may come out searching for food during the day.


  • American cockroaches have a high reproduction rate.
  • They develop through gradual metamorphosis, consisting of three life stages: egg, nymph, and adult.
  • For mating purposes, females produce a pheromone that attracts males from as far away as 98 feet.
  • A mated American cockroach female produces an egg capsule called an “ootheca” once every week.
  • Each ootheca contains from 14 to 16 eggs.
  • Depending on food availability, an American cockroach female produces from 15-70 oothecae during her life span.
  • Unlike German cockroaches, an American cockroach female only carries the ootheca for about one or two days before they glue it to a suitable protected surface using secretions from her mouth.
  • At room temperature, American cockroach eggs hatch in 50-55 days.
  • American cockroach nymphs molt 9-13 times before reaching adulthood. This takes approximately 160-971 days.


  • An adult American cockroach female can live up to two years, while American cockroach males live for a shorter period (up to one year).
  • Environmental conditions such as temperature and relative humidity influence the life cycle of American cockroaches. It has been reported that nymphs move and feed at temperatures between 60 – 89 °F, and stop moving at temperatures 38- 45 °F; whereas adults are usually active at temperatures between 64 – 88 °F and become inactive at 41 °F.
  • Although they prefer moisture and warmth, temperatures above 108 °F are lethal for American cockroaches.
  • American cockroaches also do not tolerate cold temperatures well. They die at temperatures below 15 °F.

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