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We'll get rid of whatever's bugging you. Guaranteed. Get A Free Estimate


We’ll get rid of
whatever’s bugging you.

Got beetles here, there, and everywhere? Call Adam’s.

Beetles are the most common type of insect, accounting for approximately one-fourth of all animals on the planet. Although beetles can be found everywhere, when you find them in your home — or where they are not wanted — it is time to call Adam’s Pest Control.


Adam’s Pest Control Gets Rid of Beetles Fast!

Fast, Local Response
Competitive Pricing
Friendly Service
Licensed Professionals
100% Satisfaction

Beetles Treatment Options

Adam’s has a treatment plan for the most common beetles in our area. Call Adam’s for details on the specific pest that is bothering you. Treatment and prevention plans depend on the species, including:

One-time Treatments

Adam’s provides one-time treatments for most species of beetles common to our area. One-time treatments are performed typically on the exterior of the structure and are warranted for 3 months. 

Premier Prevention Plans

Adam’s prevention plans include all species of ground beetles, one of the most common groups of beetles in North America. Adam’s prevention plans offer year-round protection.

Fall Invader Prevention

Foreign grain beetles and multicolored Asian lady beetles are considered “fall invaders.” Adam’s Fall Invader Prevention plan prevents pests entering your home or property in the fall.

Exterior Ornamental Prevention

Adam’s Prevention Ornamental Exterior pest service provides year-round control of Japanese Beetles and other common ornamental pests with a minimum of three scheduled treatments.

Stored Product Pest Prevention

Adam’s one-time service controls black and varied carpet beetles, along with other common stored product pests. The service includes a thorough inspection and treatment of the  feeding, breeding, and resting areas. The treatment is warranted for one month.

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