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Clover Mites

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Clover Mites: Tiny Pests, Big Annoyance

Clover mites are small, red pests that can become a significant nuisance when they invade homes in large numbers. These tiny arachnids, often mistaken for insects, thrive in well-fertilized lawns and gardens but can easily find their way indoors through the smallest of cracks. While clover mites do not bite or cause harm to humans, their presence can be alarming, and they can stain walls and surfaces if crushed. Understanding their behavior and implementing preventative measures can help keep these persistent pests at bay. 

Known Issues

  • Structure Invading
  • Stain surfaces when crushed

Active Seasons

  • Fall
  • Spring 
  • Summer

Adam’s Pest Control Gets Rid of Clover Mites Fast!

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Clover Mite Treatment Options

One-time Perimeter Services

Adam’s exterminates clover mites by applying an EPA-approved residual pesticide treatment to the foundation and exterior perimeter of your home to keep clover mites from entering. Particular attention is given to all cracks, crevices, and possible entry sites. When needed, Adam’s will treat interior areas where pests may hide, including baseboards, cracks, crevices, and wall voids. The one-time service is warranted for 3 months.

Premier Perimeter

Need to prevent more pests than just clover mites? Adam’s Premier Perimeter Program includes a minimum of 3 preventive barrier treatments around the exterior perimeter of your home for year-round prevention of common household pests, including stinging insects, spiders, boxelder bugs, and clover mites. Your Pest Management Professional inspects for pests and then applies a season-specific, non-repellent, residual material to control common household pests before they can get inside. Comes with a 12-month guarantee.

Premier Home Pest Prevention

Adam’s best value for prevention and control of common household pests, including clover mites! Adam’s Premier Home Pest Prevention service provides year-round prevention of pests with a minimum of four visits throughout the year. Service visits focus on the exterior of your home, where most pest problems originate. And should a pest problem ever occur between scheduled visits, the plan includes additional treatments at no additional charge. This program includes common household pests like spiders, centipedes, and roaches and seasonal pests like wasps, multicolored Asian lady beetles, ants, and mice, as well as clover mites.

More About Clover Mites

How Do I Know If I Have Clover Mites?

If you notice tiny, reddish-brown, greenish, or yellow-orange specks crawling on windowsills, walls, or other surfaces inside your home, you might have a clover mite infestation. These mites often appear in large numbers, especially in the spring and fall. They can enter homes through small openings around windows and doors, and they leave a red stain when crushed.

What Do Clover Mites Look Like?

Clover mites are very small, about 3/100” in length (roughly the size of a pinhead), and are often red, but may also be reddish-brown, green-brown, or yellow-orange. Examining clover mites through a microscope, you would see they have an oval body and their front pair of legs are much longer than the others, giving them a distinctive appearance. These legs are often mistaken for antennae.

Are Clover Mites Dangerous?

No, clover mites are not dangerous to humans or pets. They do not bite or transmit diseases. Their primary nuisance is the red stain they leave when crushed, which can damage surfaces like walls, furniture, and fabrics.

Can My House Be Damaged by Clover Mites?

Clover mites do not cause structural damage to houses. The most significant issue they pose is the potential staining from their body fluids when they are crushed. This can be particularly troublesome on light-colored surfaces.

Why Are Clover Mites in My House or Yard?

Clover mites are attracted to well-fertilized lawns and gardens with plenty of vegetation. They feed on grasses and a variety of other plants. They may enter homes in large numbers during changes in weather, such as heavy rains or excessive heat, seeking refuge from outdoor conditions.

What Can I Do to Prevent an Infestation of Clover Mites?

To prevent clover mites from entering your home, create a barrier around your house by removing vegetation within 18 to 24 inches of the foundation. Use materials like pea gravel or mulch in this strip. Seal cracks and crevices around windows, doors, and foundations to block their entry points. If they do enter your home, vacuuming is an effective way to remove them, but avoid crushing them to prevent staining.

What Do Clover Mites Eat?

Clover mites feed on a wide variety of plants. Their diet includes lawn grasses, clover, dandelions, strawberries, and ornamental flowers. They suck the sap from these plants, which can sometimes cause minor damage like silvery streaks on the leaves, but generally do not harm the plants.

What Is the Lifecycle of Clover Mites?

Clover mites reproduce parthenogenetically, meaning all individuals are female and reproduce without fertilization. Each female lays about 70 eggs, usually in protected, sunny areas. The eggs hatch in the spring, and the mites go through a larval stage and two nymph stages before becoming adults. They can produce several generations per year, especially in favorable conditions​.

7 Interesting Facts About Clover Mites

  1. Clover mites are more closely related to spiders and ticks than to insects.
  2. Despite being a nuisance, clover mites do not reproduce indoors, as they need outdoor plants to survive.
  3. They are particularly sensitive to temperature and are most active during cooler periods in spring and fall​.
  4. Clover mites play a role in the food chain by serving as prey for various predatory insects like ladybugs and spiders. This ecological role helps maintain the balance in their habitats​.
  5. Since World War II, the prevalence of clover mites as household pests has increased, likely due to the rise in the use of lawn fertilizers. Their presence is more common in homes with well-maintained and heavily fertilized lawns.
  6. Clover mites are found across every continent except Antarctica. They thrive in various environments, from lush gardens to urban areas.
  7. Clover mites belong to a group of mites that have existed for millions of years. Their adaptability and resilience have allowed them to survive and thrive through numerous climatic changes over millennia.

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