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We'll get rid of whatever's bugging you. Guaranteed. Get A Free Estimate


We’ll get rid of
whatever’s bugging you.

Cockroaches can’t survive the radiation from a nuclear bomb* or a prevention treatment from Adam’s Pest Control – GUARANTEED.

The general disgust toward cockroaches is well-deserved. Cockroaches by their nature, relatively large size, and reputation are a source of embarrassment and can lead to a loss of business if spotted in commercial settings. Cockroaches are potential mechanical vectors of bacterial pathogens and parasitic worms that can cause food poisoning, dysentery, diarrhea, and other illnesses. Cockroach excrement and cast skins can cause allergic responses, such as skin rashes, watery eyes and sneezing, congestion of nasal passages, and trigger asthma.
So, it is no surprise that finding cockroaches inside your home or business can be extremely distressing. At the first sign of a roach infestation, it’s important to call Adam’s Pest Control.

Learn more about cockroaches:
American Cockroaches
German Cockroaches
Australian Cockroaches
Brown-Banded Cockroaches
Pennsylvania Wood Cockroaches
Oriental Cockroaches
Surinam Cockroaches

* Laboratory studies show cockroaches can withstand significant levels of radiation – approximately 60x more than a human can withstand — which may explain why many cockroaches survived the 1945 Hiroshima bomb. However, since 1945 nuclear weapons have become much more powerful. Today a nuclear blast would instantly kill any cockroach — the same as a treatment from Adam’s Pest Control.

Cockroaches Treatment Options

One-time Roach Control

Adam’s licensed, Pest Management Professional (PMP) will use the most effective treatment protocol to exterminate roaches in your home, including the use of baits, insect growth regulators, and when needed, an EPA-approved residual insecticide applied directly into cracks and crevices where the roaches harbor. Your Adam’s PMP will also conduct a thorough inspection to locate the source of the roach infestation. Your assistance is necessary to eliminate roaches. Adam’s will provide instructions to prepare for the treatment that includes cleaning and sanitation to eliminate harborage and food sources. Adams one-time roach service is warranted for 3 months.

Premier Home Pest Prevention

Adam’s best value for prevention and control of common household pests, including cockroaches! Adam’s Premier Home Pest Prevention service provides year-round pest prevention of pests with a minimum of four visits throughout the year. Service visits include inspection and monitoring. And should a pest problem ever occur between scheduled visits, the plan includes additional treatments at no additional charge. This program includes common household pests like spiders, centipedes, sow bugs, and roaches; and seasonal pests like wasps, multicolored Asian lady beetles, ants, and mice.

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