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Similar to termites, severe infestations of powder post beetles can cause homeowners to spend thousands of dollars in repair costs. Unfortunately, powder post beetle infestations are not usually detected until the damage has already happened.
Powder post beetles are considered second only to termites in the amount of damage to wood done annually. Typical damage of powder post beetles can vary from unpleasant holes in a wood surface to significant wood destruction. Severe infestations of powder post beetles can cost homeowners thousands of dollars in repairs. Unfortunately, damage from powder post beetles is not usually detected until the homeowner discovers fine sawdust particles and small exit holes from which adult beetles have emerged. Although powder post beetles attack only bare wood, finished wood can also be affected if the infestation occurred before the finish was applied. Adam’s does not currently provide service for powder post beetles.
Known Issues
- Damages Landscapes
- Damages Structures
- Difficult to Eradicate
- Structure Invading
Active Seasons
- Spring
- Summer
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