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whatever’s bugging you.

Squirrels are cute and playful… until they move inside your home.

Many of the materials used in home construction, including aluminum, vinyl, and wood are no match for squirrels. They can easily chew holes in roofs, facia, and soffits; and they only need a 2” gap to squeeze through. Once inside, squirrels are capable of causing costly damage to attic insulation, sheetrock, structural support, and attic vents. They also can chew electrical wires, air-conditioner ductwork, and dig holes in your ceiling. Squirrels also bring in nesting material and leave urine, feces, and parasites in your attic.

Adam’s Gets Rid of Squirrels Fast!

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Squirrel Removal & Exclusion

Please note: Adam’s squirrel removal & exclusion is available in a limited geographic area due to the required exclusion and repair service.

We begin every squirrel removal with a thorough inspection of your home to understand how the squirrels got in, other potential entry points, and the extent of damage they have caused. Our knowledge of squirrel behavior enables Adam’s to solve any squirrel problem, no matter how challenging.

Our friendly, licensed wildlife experts create a custom removal and exclusion plan. We will explain each step of the process from start to finish, including costs and timing. 

Generally, Adam’s licensed Pest Management Professional (PMP) will place live traps near entrances or food sources to remove all of the squirrels. But removing the squirrels is only part of the solution. 

Adam’s Pest Control works in partnership with Cardinal Exteriors and Home Services to repair any damage caused by the squirrels and to thoroughly seal up your home so squirrels can’t get back inside. Adam’s and Cardinal are owned by the same family. When you hire Adam’s and Cardinal, you know you are getting pest management professionals who know squirrels and experienced construction professionals who know how to properly repair and seal your home. Both companies are licensed and insured.

Best of all, we warranty our work for up to two years!

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More About Squirrels


Most homeowners suspect squirrels because they hear scurrying, scampering, and scratching sounds – or squeaks and bark-like grunts — in the attic or chimney. Visual signs may be difficult to see because the squirrels are often hidden in your attic or walls. Look closely for teeth marks in wood and walls, chewed electrical wires, nests in your insulation, and squirrel droppings. It is often easier to see squirrel damage to the exterior of your home. Look for roofline damage, holes in attic vents, and holes around plumbing or heating stacks.


For the most part, squirrels aren’t aggressive or threatening. However, squirrels are wild animals and can be unpredictable. Petting or picking up wild squirrels puts you at risk of a bite or scratch. The most common type of squirrel bite is the result of feeding a squirrel by hand. Never hold the food between your fingers; chances are very good you will be bitten. A squirrel’s eyes are always looking for predators and they rarely focus on what they are eating.
Red squirrels can be extremely aggressive and will vigorously defend their territory.
Although the chances are low, it is possible for squirrels to carry rabies, so stay away from any animal that appears especially aggressive or confused. Squirrels can also carry parasites and other diseases, as well.


Gray and red squirrels are the most common in Minnesota, with the gray being more numerous. The Fox and the Flying squirrel can sometimes be a problem. As their names foretell, gray squirrels are typically gray and red squirrels are red. However, gray squirrels come in many shades of gray and sometimes shades of brown. They can also be pure white and pure black, but both are variations of the gray squirrel. The common red squirrel can have an all-black coat.


Squirrels are known for sneaking into homes through the smallest of holes, through damaged areas, or any type of small gap. They will chew their way through and once they get in, they often can’t get back out. Squirrels can chew through shingles, aluminum, and wood siding.


Yes! Squirrels will cause serious damage by chewing on insulation and electrical wires, they will make their nests and leave their urine and droppings, which may turn into health risks for homeowners. In residential areas squirrels sometimes travel along power lines and will short out transformers. They gnaw on wires, enter buildings, and build nests in attics. They can occasionally damage lawns by burying or searching for and digging up nuts. They can chew bark and clip twigs of many ornamental trees or shrubbery planted in yards. Many times, squirrels will rob bird feeders of bird seeds and in some cases chew to enlarge the openings of birdhouses in order to enter and eat nestling songbirds. Squirrels can also bring fleas, ticks, and mites into your yard or home.


There are some preventative measures which can help prevent squirrels from entering structures:

  • Trim tree branches and limbs to about 6-8 feet away from the structure to prevent squirrels from jumping on the roof. 
  • Inspect all roof overhangs, soffits, fascia boards etc. make sure they do not have any cracks or holes, and that they are tightly attached to the framing. 
  • All roof vents should be inspected to make sure they are properly screened, not loose and in good repair. 
  • Keep bird feeders away from the building, perhaps using a “squirrel proof” type of feeder.
  • Seal all holes in the siding and foundation, and around all utility line connections.


Squirrels will eat a great variety of foods and will adapt quickly to unusual food sources.  Typically, they will feed on acorns, nuts, berries and fruits, bulbs, fungus, bird eggs, small birds, small mammals, dog food, insects, and corn. Red squirrels may eat pinecones and buds. When food is scarce, squirrels may chew bark from a variety of trees. 


  • Squirrels are the most active in late winter, when the mating season begins. The males will chase females, as well as, chase off other suitors. 
  • A female squirrel will choose the strongest male during mating season, but is unlikely to breed with that male again. This is nature’s way of reducing inbreeding, and to preserve the species.
  • Gray squirrels breed at about 1 year of age. 
  • Young squirrels may breed only once in their first year. 
  • Baby squirrels, called kits, are usually born in the early spring. A second litter can occur in mid-summer if there is an adequate food supply.
  • The average litter consists of four kits. This varies with climate and location.  
  • Their gestation period is about 40 – 45 days.
  • Squirrels are born hairless, blind, and their ears are closed.  
  • The young begin to explore outside around the time they are weaned, which is about 10 – 12 weeks.  
  • At weaning they are about half of their adult weight, which is about one pound for the gray squirrel, two-thirds of a pound for the red squirrel.


  1. Squirrels are diurnal, which means they are active during the daylight. In the summer squirrels are most active two to three hours after sunrise and then they’ll rest in the afternoon. They resume activity again two hours before sunset. The squirrel will retire to its nest well before dark, and will rarely leave the nest in the dark. In the winter, the squirrel will complete its activities between dawn and mid-day, and will remain in or around the nest until the next day.
  2. An adult squirrel normally lives alone. But will, in severe cold, share its nest with other squirrels to conserve body heat. Once the temperature rises, the guests will be on their way.
  3. A squirrel’s eyes are located high, and on each side of their head. This allows them a wide field of vision, without turning their head.
  4. The gray squirrel requires some salt in its diet, and may find this salt in the soil along roads where snow and ice may have been.
  5. Squirrels chew on tree branches to sharpen and clean their teeth. That’s why you may see many small branches on the ground around large trees. They will also chew on power lines for the same reason, this has caused many major power outages throughout the country.
  6. Squirrels communicate through a series of chirps. The frequency and duration of the notes communicate everything from laughter to alarm. These sounds when used in conjunction with tail gestures form the basis for squirrel communication. If trapped within a wall void, they will make noise until they die or escape.
  7. A squirrel will break the shell of a nut with its teeth and then clean the nut by licking it or rubbing the nut on its face before it is buried. This action applies a scent to the nut which helps the squirrel find it later, even under a foot of snow.
  8. A squirrel’s teeth grow continuously. Their incisors will grow six inches per year, but stay short due to the constant wear they receive.
  9. The common gray squirrel was once a rare breed mostly found in forests. One of the founders of the Minneapolis Park system, longtime superintendent Theodore Wirth, imported two dozen gray squirrels from Washington, D.C. The squirrels quickly multiplied and are now common throughout our area.

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