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We'll get rid of whatever's bugging you. Guaranteed. Get A Free Estimate
Professional Pest Control in Medina MN

Ongoing Pest Prevention

Uncommon Prevention of Common Pests.

Why wait for a pest problem to develop? An ongoing pest prevention program from Adam’s Pest Control keeps your home cleaner, safer, and protects your family and pets from pest-related health risks.

All Premier Pest Prevention Programs include:

  • Year-Round Pest Prevention
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Urgent Service between Visits at No Additional Charge
  • Priority Response to Pest Problems
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Service

Call today and say goodbye to pests.

Pest Control Company in Rochester MN

Because You Deserve a Pest-Free Home.

Zero Tolerance

Why should you put up with any pest? Even a spider in the basement or a tiny ant in the kitchen doesn’t belong in your home. Adam’s pest prevention service means never having to tolerate a pest again.


Pest prevention protects you and your family from possible disease, bites, stings, allergies, and infections; as well as the potential psychological effects of a pest infestation.


Let’s face it, pests make your home look and feel dirty. Sure, you can keep knocking down the spider webs and sweeping up signs of the pest, but wouldn’t it be easier to prevent the pests?


Do you think they noticed? (Of course they did.) Whether your guests actually saw a pest or just the telltale signs, they’ve formed their opinion. Pest prevention eliminates the risk of a tarnished reputation.

Adam’s Has A Pest Prevention Program For Every Need And Every Budget:

Premier Perimeter

Protects your home from pests getting inside.

Premier Home

An exterior/interior service plan that eliminates common household pests.

What’s Included?

Seasonal Visits with Specific Pest Prevention Services 3 4
Fully licensed and certified Pest Control Professionals Checkmark Checkmark
Fully Guaranteed Pest Prevention Checkmark Checkmark
Pest Prevention prepared by staff PhD entomologist Checkmark Checkmark
Urgent treatments between services at No Extra Charge Checkmark Checkmark

Covered Pests

Ants Checkmark Checkmark
Boxelder Bugs Checkmark Checkmark
Centipedes / Millipedes Checkmark Checkmark
Clover mites Checkmark Checkmark
Cluster flies Checkmark Checkmark
Crickets Checkmark Checkmark
Earwigs Checkmark Checkmark
Ground Beetles Checkmark Checkmark
Multicolored Asian Lady Beetles (Ladybugs) Checkmark Checkmark
Silverfish Checkmark Checkmark
Sowbugs Checkmark Checkmark
Spiders Checkmark Checkmark
Springtails Checkmark Checkmark
Wasps / Hornets Checkmark Checkmark
Cockroaches Checkmark
Mice Checkmark
Rats Checkmark
Voles Checkmark

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