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Albert Lea

Adam’s Pest Control in Albert Lea, Minnesota

Adam’s has been providing pest control in Albert Lea, Minnesota since 1971. Whether you need pest prevention or fast response to an immediate pest problem, Adam’s has the right solution.

  • Located in the southeastern part of the State of Minnesota, Albert Lea is the also the county seat of Freeborn County.
  • The population of Albert Lea 18,016 at the 2010 census.
  • The city is at the junction of Interstates 35 and 90, about 90 miles (140 km) south of the Twin Cities.
  • It is on the shores of Fountain Lake, Pickerel Lake, Albert Lea Lake, Goose Lake, School Lake, and Lake Chapeau. Fountain Lake and Albert Lea Lake are part of the Shell Rock River flowage.

Healthy Lawn

Adam’s professional lawn care service is keeping Albert Lea lawns green, lush, and healthy.

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