Adam’s Pest Control in Duluth, Minnesota

CALL US NOW: (218) 727-0999 You can count on Adam’s for the best pest control in Duluth, Minnesota. Adam’s provides fast response to pest problems and ongoing pest prevention for Duluth homeowners and businesses.
Duluth is a major port city in the U.S. state of Minnesota and the county seat of Saint Louis County. Duluth has a population of 86,293 and is the 4th largest city in Minnesota.
Duluth features the United States’ only all-freshwater aquarium, the Great Lakes Aquarium; the Aerial Lift Bridge, which spans the Duluth Ship Canal into the Duluth–Superior Harbor; and Minnesota Point (known locally as Park Point), the world’s longest freshwater baymouth bar, spanning 6 miles (10 km). The city is also the starting point for vehicle trips along Minnesota’s North Shore.
The city is named for Daniel Greysolon, Sieur du Lhut, the first known European explorer of the area.
Common Pest Issues in Duluth
Homeowners and business owners in Duluth contend with a variety of pest issues, including:
Healthy Lawn
Adam’s professional lawn care service is keeping Duluth lawns green, lush, and healthy.