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Kensington, MN | Adam’s Pest Control

Adam’s Pest Control in Kensington, MN

Yes, Adam’s provides pest control services in Kensington, MN.

Since 1971, Adam’s Pest Control has been a local, family-owned business committed to friendly service, effective solutions, and 100% customer satisfaction.

Common Pest Issues in Kensington, MN

carpenter ants
boxelder bugs
Boxelder Bugs
Image of Wasp
Wasps, Hornets, Yellow Jackets
Lady Beetles
japanese beetles
Japanese Beetles

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Get Your Free Estimate Now

Complete the form or call 866-388-1847, and an agent will contact you to discuss and provide you a quote.

Contact Information


Pest Information

Are you also bothered by any of the following pests during the year? (Check all that apply)
* Free estimate excludes some pests such as bed bugs, bats, termites; and other pests requiring an inspection first, in which case we will provide an estimate of what that inspection may cost, if anything, for free.
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